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Architectural Competition: HAPPY HOUSES 

A non-specist refugee for the living : The taste of aurora

                                Implanted on the "tip" of the site, the project unfolds as a cultivated strip; within it, three built forms articulate the program around an informal and permable cloister. The presence of dogs and the activities of the inhabitants (honey, fruit orchard, vegetables and so on) is exposed to the visiting public in order to valorize the community and allow for respectful exchange between humans and animals. 

                        The project is partitioned on a 1.5mx1.5m spatial grid. A modular unit of 2x3 units governs the overall structure, with the exception of the "Grande Salle" whose differentiation reflects its collective status, that of a meeting place. According to the program, a 1.5m canopy projects from each side of the roof. From an ecological perspective and due to its rapid implementation, wood is used as a repeat element and adobe as fill-in. 

                                 In consistency and in harmony with the site, the morphogenesis of the project and the materials chosen re-interpret the genius loci. These choices contribute also to reducing project cost. The project could easily divided into 3 construction, community-based participatory methods as well as self-build; a constructive sequence coherent with the project's approach.

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